Definition: Inflammation of the GALLBLADDER; generally caused by impairment of BILE flow, GALLSTONES in the BILIARY TRACT, infections, or other diseases.
note specifics; X ref EMPYEMA, GALLBLADDER: restrict to gallbladder; "biliary empyema": unless of gallbladder, index under EMPYEMA (IM) + BILIARY TRACT DISEASES (IM) or specific biliary precoord
See AlsoCholangitis ExamplesAcalculous Cholecystitis; Cholecystitis, Acute
Other names Gallbladder Inflammation; Empyema, Gallbladder; Inflammation, Gallbladder; Gallbladder Empyema; Gall Bladder Empyema; Empyema, Gall Bladder