Definition: Conditions characterized by language abilities (comprehension and expression of speech and writing) that are below the expected level for a given age, generally in the absence of an intellectual impairment. These conditions may be associated with DEAFNESS; BRAIN DISEASES; MENTAL DISORDERS; or environmental factors.
do not confuse with LANGUAGE DISORDERS, disord of use or comprehension of language: LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT DISORDERS is "failure to understand or speak the language at the expected age"; DF: LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT DIS
Other names Speech Delay; Language Delay; Speech Delays; Semantic-Pragmatic Disorders; Semantic Pragmatic Disorder; Language Disorder, Developmental; Language Development Disorder; Language Delays; Developmental Language Disorder; Development Disorder, Language; Delays, Speech; Delay, Speech; Speech or Language, Developmental Disorder; Semantic-Pragmatic Disorder; Language Disorders, Developmental; Developmental Language Disorders; Developmental Disorder, Speech or Language; Central Auditory Processing Disorder; Auditory Processing Disorder, Central