Definition: The fertilizing element of plants that contains the male GAMETOPHYTES.
coordinate with specific plant; pollen as an allergen: coordinate IM with ALLERGENS (IM); hypersensitivity: consider RESPIRATORY HYPERSENSITIVITY and its specifics particularly RHINITIS, ALLERGIC, SEASONAL
See AlsoAllergens; Rhinitis, Allergic, Seasonal ExamplesPollen Tube
Other names Pollen Grain; Plant Microspore; Plant Male Gametes; Plant Male Gamete; Microspore, Plant; Male Gametophyte; Male Gamete, Plant; Grains, Pollen; Grain, Pollen; Gametophytes, Male; Gametophyte, Male; Gametes, Plant Male; Gamete, Plant Male; Pollen Grains; Plant Microspores; Microspores, Plant; Male Gametophytes; Male Gametes, Plant