Definition: A method in which either the observer(s) or the subject(s) is kept ignorant of the group to which the subjects are assigned.
IM GEN only; coord NIM with specific disease (IM); when pertinent add CLINICAL TRIAL (PT) or RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL (PT); do not index also under PLACEBOS unless particularly discussed; no qualif
Other names Single-Masked Study; Study, Single-Masked; Study, Single-Blind; Studies, Single-Masked; Studies, Single-Blind; Single-Masked Studies; Single-Masked Methods; Single-Blind Studies; Single-Blind Methods; Single Masked Study; Single Masked Method; Single Blind Study; Single Blind Method; Methods, Single-Masked; Methods, Single-Blind; Method, Single-Masked; Method, Single-Blind; Single-Masked Method; Single-Blind Study