Definition: The fusion of ceramics (porcelain) to an alloy of two or more metals for use in restorative and prosthodontic dentistry. Examples of metal alloys employed include cobalt-chromium, gold-palladium, gold-platinum-palladium, and nickel-based alloys.
a dental alloy; D25-26 qualif; specify metals (IM or NIM) if particularly discussed
ExamplesCermet Cements
Other names Porcelain-Metal Alloys; Metallo-Ceramic Alloys; Metal Ceramic Restorations; Restorations, Metal Ceramic; Porcelain Metal Alloys; Metallo Ceramic Alloys; Metallo Ceramic Alloy; Alloys, Porcelain-Metal; Alloys, Metalloceramic; Alloys, Metallo-Ceramic; Alloys, Metal Ceramic; Alloy, Metalloceramic; Alloy, Metallo-Ceramic; Alloy, Metal Ceramic; Metalloceramic Alloys; Metalloceramic Alloy; Metallo-Ceramic Alloy; Metal Ceramic Alloy