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GTP Phosphohydrolases
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: Enzymes that hydrolyze GTP to GDP. EC 3.6.1.-.
GTP-Binding Proteins
Other names
Triphosphate Phosphohydrolases, Guanosine; Phosphohydrolases, Guanosine Triphosphate; Phosphohydrolases, GTP; Phosphohydrolase, GTP; GTP Phosphohydrolase; Guanosinetriphosphatases; Guanosine Triphosphate Phosphohydrolases; GTPases; GTPase
CAS Registry & name
Parcs protein, human
EC 3.6.1.-.
*GTP Phosphohydrolases.
Biochim Biophys Acta. 2011 Oct;1813(10):1708-16
NOA1 protein, mouse
EC 3.6.1.-.
*GTP Phosphohydrolases.
Mol Biol Cell. 2011 Jan 1;22(1):1-11
Rbg2 protein, S cerevisiae
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases
*Saccharomyces cerevisiae Proteins.
Nucleic Acids Res 2011 Mar;39(6):2221-33
Rem2 protein, zebrafish
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases
*Zebrafish Proteins.
Cell Cycle 2010 Sep;9(17):3414-22
GIMAP2 protein, human
EC 3.6.1.-
*Membrane Proteins
*GTP Phosphohydrolases.
Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun. 2010 Jun 1;66(Pt 6):725-9
Arl8 protein, C elegans
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases
*Caenorhabditis elegans Proteins.
Mol Biol Cell 2010 Jul 15;21(14):2434-42
GC protein, human
EC 3.6.1.-
*Nuclear Proteins
*GTP Phosphohydrolases.
J Biol Chem 2009 Oct 30;284(44):30652-61
3 protein, C elegans
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases
*Caenorhabditis elegans Proteins
Mitochondrial Proteins.
J Cell Biol 2009 Aug 24;186(4):525-40
1 protein, C elegans
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases
*Caenorhabditis elegans Proteins
Mitochondrial Proteins.
J Cell Biol 2009 Aug 24;186(4):525-40
atlastin protein, Drosophila
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases
*Drosophila Proteins.
Nature. 2009 Aug 20;460(7258):978-83
Rab13 protein, rat
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases
Tight Junctions.
Biol Reprod 2009 Mar;80(3):590-601
NOA1 protein, human
EC 3.6.1.-.
*GTP Phosphohydrolases.
J Biol Chem 2009 Feb 20;284(8):5414-24
YfgD protein, E coli
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases
*Escherichia coli Proteins.
Microbiol Res 2009;164(1):1-8
Gimap5 protein, mouse
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases.
Blood 2008 Dec 15;112(13):4905-14
CRAG protein, mouse
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases.
EMBO Rep 2008 Apr;9(4):393-9
EMB2473 protein, Arabidopsis
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases
*Arabidopsis Proteins.
Plant Cell 2008 Mar;20(3):589-601
Guf1 protein, S cerevisiae
EC 3.6.1.-.
*GTP Phosphohydrolases
*Saccharomyces cerevisiae Proteins
Cell Membrane.
J Biol Chem 2008 Jun 20;283(25):17139-46
ATL3 protein, human
EC 3.6.5.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases.
Hum Mol Genet 2008 Jun 1;17(11):1591-604
2 protein, human
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases.
Hum Mol Genet 2008 Jun 1;17(11):1591-604
PIKE protein, mouse
EC 3.6.1.-
*Nerve Tissue Proteins
*GTP Phosphohydrolases.
Nat Cell Biol 2008 Jun;10(6):698-706
RERG protein, human
EC 3.6.1.-.
*GTP Phosphohydrolases
Genes, Tumor Suppressor.
Methods Enzymol 2006;407():(513-27
dead end protein, Drosophila
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases
*Drosophila Proteins.
Dev Biol 2007 Nov 15;311(2):487-99
Nog1 protein, mouse
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases.
Mol Cell Biol 2007 Nov;27(21):7735-44
Iigp2 protein, mouse
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases.
J Immunol 2007 Aug 1;179(3):1814-24
Efl1 protein, S cerevisiae
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases
*Saccharomyces cerevisiae Proteins.
Nat Genet 2007 Apr;39(4):486-95
RAN3 protein, Arabidopsis
*Cell Cycle Proteins
*Arabidopsis Proteins
GTP Phosphohydrolases.
Ann Bot (Lond) 2006 Dec;98(6):1179-87
SIN2 protein, Arabidopsis
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases
*Arabidopsis Proteins
Mitochondrial Proteins.
Genetics 2006 Oct;174(2):707-18
Irgb10 protein, mouse
EC 3.6.1.-.
*GTP Phosphohydrolases.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2006 Sep 19;103(38):14092-7
EDR3 protein, Arabidopsis
*GTP Phosphohydrolases
*Arabidopsis Proteins
Microtubule-Associated Proteins.
Plant J 2006 Jul;47(1):75-84
CDC10 protein, S cerevisiae
EC 3.6.1.-
*Membrane Proteins
*GTP Phosphohydrolases
*Saccharomyces cerevisiae Proteins.
ARL8A protein, human
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases.
J Cell Sci 2006 Apr 15;119(Pt 8):1494-503
Spg1 protein, S pombe
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases
*Schizosaccharomyces pombe Proteins.
Genes Dev 1997 Jun 15;11(12):1519-34
Lsg1 protein, human
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases.
BMC Biol 2005;3:21
Grn1 protein, S pombe
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases
*Schizosaccharomyces pombe Proteins.
Mol Biol Cell 2006 Jan;17(1):460-74
GIMAP8 protein, mouse
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases.
J Cell Biochem 2005 Oct 1;96(2):339-48
TrmE protein, E coli
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases
*Escherichia coli Proteins.
Mol Microbiol 2004 Nov;54(4):948-61
Opa1 protein, rat
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases.
Opa1 protein (GTPase), mouse
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases.
MnmE protein, E coli
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases
*Escherichia coli Proteins.
J Biomol NMR 2004 Mar;28(3):307-8
Iigp1 protein, mouse
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases.
Rhog protein, rat
*GTP Phosphohydrolases.
Rhog protein, mouse
*GTP Phosphohydrolases
Nerve Tissue Proteins.
Mfn2 protein, mouse
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases.
Science 2004 Aug 6;305(5685):858-62
Mfn1 protein, mouse
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases.
Science 2004 Aug 6;305(5685):858-62
Rhoj protein, mouse
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases.
RAB18 protein, human
*rab GTP-Binding Proteins
GTP Phosphohydrolases.
YjiA protein, E coli
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases
*Escherichia coli Proteins.
Proteins 2004 Feb 1;54(2):371-4
Mtg1 protein, S cerevisiae
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases
*Saccharomyces cerevisiae Proteins
Mitochondrial Proteins.
Mol Biol Cell 2003 Jun;14(6):2292-302
Gvin1 protein, mouse
EC 3.6.1.-
*Nuclear Proteins
*GTP Phosphohydrolases.
J Immunol. 2003 Aug 1;171(3):1255-65
GVINP1 protein, human
EC 3.6.1.-
*Nuclear Proteins
*GTP Phosphohydrolases.
J Immunol. 2003 Aug 1;171(3):1255-65
MFN2 protein, human
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases
*Mitochondrial Proteins
Membrane Proteins.
DNA Res 1996 Oct 31;3(5):321-9, 341-54
Mfn1 protein, human
EC 3.6.5.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases
*Mitochondrial Membrane Transport Proteins.
J Cell Sci 2002 Apr 15;115(Pt 8):1663-74
DIRAS1 protein, human
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases
*Tumor Suppressor Proteins.
J Biol Chem 2002 Oct 25;277(43):41070-8
YjeQ protein, E coli
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases
*Escherichia coli Proteins.
Biochemistry 2002 Sep 17;41(37):11109-17
Rab7 protein, Entamoeba histolytica
EC 3.6.1.-
*Protozoan Proteins
*GTP Phosphohydrolases
Biological Markers.
Mol Biochem Parasitol 2002 May;121(2):254-64
dynamin, Anopheles gambiae
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases.
Parasitol Res 2002 Jan;88(1):1-8
ADL2b protein, Arabidopsis
EC 3.6.1.-
*GTP Phosphohydrolases
*Arabidopsis Proteins
Mitochondrial Proteins.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2002 Apr 16;99(8):5727-31
Mms16 protein, Magnetospirillum magneticum
EC 3.6.1.-
*Bacterial Proteins
*GTP Phosphohydrolases.
J Biol Chem 2001 Dec 21;276(51):48183-8
Nug1 protein, S cerevisiae
EC 3.6.1.-
*Saccharomyces cerevisiae Proteins
*GTP Phosphohydrolases
Nuclear Proteins.
Mol Cell 2001 Sep;8(3):517-29
VpsA protein, Aspergillus nidulans
EC 3.6.1.-
*Fungal Proteins
*GTP Phosphohydrolases.
Gene 2001 May 2;268(1-2):23-30