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Herb-Drug Interactions
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: The effect of herbs, other PLANTS, or PLANT EXTRACTS on the activity, metabolism, or toxicity of drugs.
coord IM with specific plant (IM) + specific drug (IM) with pertinent qualif
Other names
Drug Interaction; Plant Drug Interactions; Interactions, Plant-
Drug; Interactions, Herbal Drug; Interactions, Herb-
Drug; Interactions, Drug-
Plant; Interactions, Drug-
Herb; Interaction, Plant-
Drug; Interaction, Herbal Drug; Interaction, Herb-
Drug; Interaction, Drug-
Plant; Interaction, Drug-
Herb; Herbal Drug Interaction; Herb-
Drug Interaction; Herb Drug Interactions; Drug-
Plant Interaction; Drug-
Herb Interaction; Drug Plant Interactions; Drug Interactions, Herbal; Drug Interaction, Herbal