encyclopedia of medical concepts
Matrix Metalloproteinases, Secreted
More information
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: A subclass of matrix metalloproteinases that are secreted into the pericellular space.
general; prefer specifics
Bone Morphogenetic Protein 1
Matrix Metalloproteinase 1
Matrix Metalloproteinase 2
Matrix Metalloproteinase 3
Matrix Metalloproteinase 7
Matrix Metalloproteinase 8
Matrix Metalloproteinase 9
Matrix Metalloproteinase 10
Matrix Metalloproteinase 11
Matrix Metalloproteinase 12
Matrix Metalloproteinase 13
Matrix Metalloproteinase 20
Other names
Metalloproteinases, Secreted Matrix; Secreted Matrix Metalloproteinases
CAS Registry & name
MMP21 protein, mouse
EC 3.4.24.-
*Matrix Metalloproteinases, Secreted.
Exp Dermatol. 2009 Dec;18(12):1044-52
MMP27 protein, rat
EC 3.4.24.-
*Matrix Metalloproteinases, Secreted.
Biol Res 2005;38(2-3):267-71
MMP27 protein, human
EC 3.4.24.-
*Matrix Metalloproteinases, Secreted.
Mmp28 protein, mouse
EC 3.4.24.-
*Matrix Metalloproteinases, Secreted.
Biochem J 2003 Oct 1;375(Pt 1):191-7
MMP21 protein, human
EC 3.4.24.-
*Matrix Metalloproteinases, Secreted.
Gene 2002 Nov 13;301(1-2):31-41
MMP28 protein, human
EC 3.4.24.-
*Matrix Metalloproteinases, Secreted.
Gene 2001 Mar 7;265(1-2):87-93
MMP26 protein, human
EC 3.4.24.-
*Matrix Metalloproteinases, Secreted.
Eur J Biochem 2000 Jun;267(11):3323-9
matrix metalloproteinase 19
EC 3.4.24.-
*Matrix Metalloproteinases, Secreted.
J Biol Chem 1997 Feb 14;272(7):4281-6