Medical Concepts
  Named Groups
 Abortion Applicants
 Adult Children
 Age Groups
 Child, Abandoned
 Child, Exceptional
 Child of Impaired Parents
 Child, Orphaned
 Child, Unwanted
 Crime Victims
 Disabled Persons
 Disabled Children
 Hearing Impaired Persons
 Mentally Disabled Persons
 Mentally Ill Persons
 Visually Impaired Persons
 Drug Users
 Emigrants and Immigrants
 Famous Persons
 Homebound Persons
 Homeless Persons
 Jehovah's Witnesses
 Legal Guardians
 Medically Uninsured
 Multiple Birth Offspring
 Occupational Groups
 Population Groups
 Research Personnel
 Research Subjects
 Sex Workers
 Sexual Partners
 Single Person
 Terminally Ill
 Tissue Donors
 Transients and Migrants
 Visitors to Patients
 Voluntary Workers
 Vulnerable Populations

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