Definition: A plant genus of the family RANUNCULACEAE that contains triterpenoid saponins. Remifemin from C. racemosa is used to suppress LUTEINIZING HORMONE. It is reclassified by some to ACTAEA. The common name of black snakeroot is also used with ASARUM and SANICULA.
coord with specific PLANT STRUCTURES term if pertinent; for use in therapy coord IM with PHYTOTHERAPY (IM) + disease/drug ther (IM) + PLANT PREPARATIONS or its indentations/ther use (IM or NIM) + specific plant chemical /ther use (IM) if pertinent; Manua
Other names racemosas, Cimicifuga; racemosas, Actaea; racemosa, Cimicifuga; racemosa, Actaea; Cohoshs, Black; Cimicifuga racemosas; Cimicifugas; Bugbanes, Black; Black Cohoshs; Black Bugbanes; Black Bugbane; Actaea racemosas; Cimicifuga racemosa; Actaea racemosa; Cohosh, Black; Bugbane, Black; Black Cohosh